Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures Season Three

This past weekend saw the start of the third season of Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures, and even though season two left off with a perfect hook to show the girls traveling around by bus, it instead opened with the girls back in Berry Bitty City, ready to welcome another new addition to the cast:
That's right, Huckleberry Pie finally makes his BBA debut, and unlike when Cherry Jam joined the cast, the official site wasted no time adding him, along with a few video clips, and coloring pages of his puppy pals.
While Huck's design here strikes me as a little bland, I do like him as a character (or at least, from what I've seen in just two episodes).  I'm not that crazy about all the girls getting puppies, but at least Orange Blossom's pays homage to her original pet, as it's named Marmalade.  And it's nice to see the original Pupcake design back on the scene, too.

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