Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Hub Updates

Just the other day, The Hub updated its teaser site.  It's still pretty much a teaser, but now it has some actual content, in the form of summaries of upcoming series, plus a preview video.  Here are some relevant screenshots:

The video has clips from more shows than are listed on the site, since to go along with the channel's 10/10/10 opening date, there are ten show synopsizes posted.  (Click the images below to read the whole thing, or just go to the official site.)

 Not sure how I feel about Pound Puppies joining the ranks of Updated 80's Property, but I'll give the show a shot.

Update:  A new image and slightly different synopsis for My Little Pony has been put up:
Those eyes are most definitely bigger, but props for the first look at Princess Celestia in cartoon form.

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