Sunday, July 6, 2008

New Sushi Pack Video Clips

Every time I visit the official Sushi Pack site, new video clips have been uploaded, or so it seems, which makes me very happy, as I count down the days to July 15th (among many other things, including my wedding dress final fitting, the day when Ty's Toy Box starts carrying Sushi Pack merchandise). There are six new clips, and a couple new clips of older episodes up, so check them out if you're in need of a sushi fix (and don't mind spoilers).
My favorite is "Sushi Pack in Disguise," which looks to be from a very Tako/Maguro-shippy episode ^_^ But the most interesting episode will probably be the one that the clip "De-musement Park" is from, as long as Titanium Chef and Oleander are included.

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